Modesty (Exponent II Article)
A transcript of Dr. Finlayson-FIfe's article on Modesty, published in the Winter 2014 issue of the Exponent II Magazine
How to Choose More Happiness - Podcast Transcript
Monica Packer: I'm so honored to have Jennifer back. If you don't know her, well, hang tight. You're going to have your mind blown so much. This is who Jennifer is. Dr. Finlayson-Fife: I'm Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife. I am a psychotherapist that works primarily with couples and individuals around relationship and sexuality issues. I also do a lot of teaching, both online courses and also in workshops around the country. I also do a lot of podcasting and public speaking. Monica Packer: And my version of your intro is that you changed my life and I think you've changed thousands of...
Growing Beyond Transactional Faith - Podcast Transcript
Sherrae Phelps: The masterful music and compelling story of the Fiddler on the Roof earned its rightful place among Broadway's most loved. But what is it about the story that draws in so many people? It's both compelling and inspiring to watch the different individuals in the story as they confront the complexities of their culture, their poverty, their tradition, and their faith. The listener is given the privilege to watch from a safe distance as each person in the story wades through the very difficult process of making choices when tradition, faith, and love collide in painful and confusin...
Developing Emotional Maturity - Podcast Transcript
Preston Pugmire: On the podcast today we have Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife. She is a licensed psychotherapist and she specializes in relationship and sexuality counseling. She primarily works with LDS couples. I first came to know about her through listening to her on other podcasts. And actually, me and my wife have bought her courses and love, love, love her work. So, Jennifer, thank you for coming on the podcast today. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife: Thanks for having me. My pleasure. Preston Pugmire: So just kind of introduce yourself a little bit, even though I already did. But tell...
I Am Mom Summit
Dr. Finlayson-Fife was invited to be a speaker at the 2019 I Am Mom Summit to speak about maintaining a sense of sexual selfhood in motherhood. You can watch the recording below: Â
How Do I Figure Out God's Plan For Me?
Dr. Finlayson-fife is quoted by author Sherrae Phelps in her article "How do I figure out God's plan for me?".  Jennifer offers her thoughts under the sections Waiting for God and Moving Forward with Faith. You can view the article using the link below: http://www.ldsliving.com/What-if-You-Can-t-Figure-Out-the-Work-God-Has-for-You/s/90057 What If You Can't Figure Out God's Plan for You? by Sherrae Phelps What does God want me to do? This is a common question that is sincerely asked by individuals seeking to live a good life and wanting their actions to be in alignment with God’s wi...